A orgasm a day, keeps the skin doctor away…who would’ve thought the secret trick to a radiant appearance would be as simple as cumming. Sure, sex makes you feel great in the moment, but are the lasting effects really worthwhile? Don’t be shy to enjoy a little afternoon delight while helping to maintain a healthy immune system and a beaming complexion.
Just as most forms of vigorous physical activity do, sex helps to improve blood circulation, surging a flow of oxygen to the skin and other organs. This very surge of circulation is what gives off that dewy complexion that we all hope for.
Skin looking dull ? How about a quickie.
Take a break from those expensive serums and creams honey, sex is your new found fountain of youth. I’m sure you know that stress is one of the top enemies against your complexion. So let it go ! Its dermatologist proven that stress hormones like cortisol are linked to wrinkles. Yikes. Regular adult nap sessions can reduce the harmful effects stress has on your skin. If you are in tune with yourself enough to reach orgasm, There is some evidence that the estrogen released during a Big O can boost collagen levels. which can improve the appearance of fine lines. Going all the way also triggers the human growth hormone, which improves skin elasticity.
Aside from aiding in keeping that useful youthful hue of yours popping, Doing the dirty deed will give you stronger hair & nails. It strengthens the body’s power to metabolize and absorb nutrients efficiently. An absorption boost in those essential vitamins and minerals equals healthier hair and stronger nails in the long run.
What else has sex done for you lately?
- sex switches the brain into a more analytical mode of and thinking processing. And enhances areas of the brain involved in memory.
- Having a active healthy romp life can improve your odds of living longer.
- Burn up to 108 calories within 30 minutes of dancing in the sheets
- Improves cardiovascular health & lowers blood pressure
- Makin Bacon boosts your body’s ability to make protective antibodies against bacteria & viruses, that cause common illnesses meaning Less sick days.
- Less pain, reduces pain sensations while increasing the pain threshold. Even self stimulation can stop menstrual cramps, headaches & arthritis
My personal favorite of all the benefits: improved sleep, which delivers the well rested, ‘I’m awake and alert’ look. We have got to give the credit partially to oxytocin, which is the hormone that’s responsible For feeling good. OXytocin floods the brain while you are getting some. The influx of Oxy is what gives us that sedated, relaxed feeling after an orgasm. Improved sleep, in turn gives your body time to reset and refresh your skin, BUT please make sure you don’t sleep on your face.
Lastly, the sex is no bueno unless it’s in a safe space with a considerate partner. Catering to a flourishing connection will help to improve the sense of well-being, overall making one a happier person. When you smile, others will too. Awakening Sex can activity boost your self confidence and body image. Literally you will feel that you are exuding blissful energy within your daily interaction, all while enhancing that dirty glow.