I am a major hot tea enthusiast, I drink it just about every day. Whether I’m feeling bloated, restless, or moody. Tea is the girl that I rely on to pick me up. Yet, going through so much tea within a week really had me wondering if there was a way I could repurpose those aromatic leaves. Neither the less I discovered these 7 ways to put my recycled tea bags to good use for the sake of beauty!
Remove dark eye circles — If you are in need of a quick fix to lessen the puffiness & bags under your eyes, place the used tea bags in the fridge to cool them down. Next place the bags under your eyes for 1–2 minutes. The coolness will awaken you and your skin! *Use caffeinated tea bags for an extra kick, this will shrink the blood vessels around your eyes, helping you to appear to be up & alert.
Hydrates dry skin — Re-brewing previously used tea bags can be used to replenish thirsty skin. First, let the tea cool, then pour it into a spray bottle or small container. Spritz onto the face or apply with a cotton pad throughout the day to maintain moisture balance. Jasmine green tea is the best tea to deliver hydrating benefits from the antioxidants it contains.
Soothes sunburn — Tea is an excellent healer and can help accelerate the skin’s ability to repair Itself. The good thing is that any tea can be used, from oolong to mint tea. Most contain polyphenols which reduce the redness. The tannins remove the heat sensations. while the catechins repair skin damage caused by the sun. This process provides a cooling effect to the sunburned area. The coolness will reduce the irritation, burning sensation, and itchiness. Brew 4 tea bags in a small pot, pour into an ice tray, and refrigerate. Once ice cubes are set, remove the cubes and place them in a zip lock bag. Rub onto the sunburn area. Let it sit for 20 minutes and pat dry. Or apply ice cubes directly. Do daily until sunburn starts to fade.
Add it to a bath — Next time you decide to take a relaxing soak, add 1–2 tea bags into the water. Benefits from the antioxidants in the tea leaves will leave your skin feeling supple and hydrated. Even taking in the scent of the tea will help to ease your mind. Go for caffeine-free teas like ginger or chamomile.
Restore shine to hair — Tea is a great trick for shinier, smoother hair. Use 3 used tea bags to brew a strong tea, let the tea steep for at least five minutes. Next make sure the tea cools completely. In the shower or over the sink, pour the tea into your hair making sure it’s saturated. Leave in the hair for about 10 minutes, then rinse out in the shower. Shampoo and condition your hair as you normally would.
Steam pores — It is easy to do a steam treatment from the comfort of your own home! Using 2–3 tea bags, place the tea bags in a large bowl with hot, steamy water. place a towel over your head while leaning over the bowl for 5–15 minutes, letting the steam work into your pores. The steam will work its magic, causing your face to become toned & hydrated from the antioxidants in the tea.
Rashes & bug bites — Used tea bags can provide temporary relief from minor rashes and pesky bug bites. make sure the tea bag is damp, place the cooled tea bag to the affected area. The tea will soothe & help reduce inflammation and even bring relief to the itch.
It’s always tea time! So remember before you dump those valuable tea bags, try reusing them to rescue your skin.